large breasts can cause back pain

Can big breasts hurt in the back?

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Last updated 18/03/2022 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

large breasts can cause back pain

Can big breasts hurt your back and neck?

Big tits, or big tits if you like, can theoretically lead to back pain by increasing chest pressure (pectoralis), upper back muscles (including upper trapezius and levator scapulae), which in turn can lead to increased functional curve of the chest (so-called kyphosis), tight neck muscles and such we associate with generally poor posture in the upper back (also known as upper croup syndrome).


But is it really that big breasts are linked to back pain? Or can one stay away from the ailments by staying in good shape and performing general strength training for muscular balance in the upper back and neck? Can big breasts hurt your back - or is it just used as an excuse? Is a question that can be difficult to ask, so we answer it here - you can also ask questions in the comments field or via our Facebook page.


The spine is important for optimal function

- Researchers have researched the link between big tits and back pain

Some researchers have obviously gone over the task of researching back pain and breasts. In a 2012 study (Myint et al), with 339 participants, a statistically significant relationship was found between the cup size of the bristles and reported musculoskeletal ailments, especially in chest back, neck and out towards shoulders. The the women with D-cup and up were more afflicted with upper back, shoulder and neck pain than those with smaller cup sizes. The conclusion was therefore that larger breast sizes were linked to increased incidence of pain.


«In conclusion, large brassiere cup size is an important cause of shoulder-neck pain. (…) The results of the present study showed that brassiere cup size D and above was correlated with shoulder-neck pain (…) »


So then we know what this large research study indicates - but we also know that having the right cup size on a bra is linked to minor musculoskeletal ailments, and according to research, there are very many women who go with the wrong size.


Chronic headache and neck pain


- Exercise to prevent muscle and joint pain in the upper back, neck and shoulders

Research and studies have established that exercise and exercise are among the best things you can do to prevent muscle and skeletal pain, but we emphasize that if you have pain and ailments, you should consult a public health clinic (manual therapist, chiropractor or physical therapist) for assessment and possible treatment. Here you will find several exercises that may be relevant to you if you want to keep your back, neck and shoulders in good shape and pain-free:


Read more: - 7 Exercises against Sore Neck

Pain in the neck

Also try: - 5 Yoga Exercises for Shoulder Pain

yoga against pain


Fun fact:  Some of the first illustrated bras or bikinis come from illustrations from the Romans, but evidence has been found that some of the first bikini-like garments existed up to 1750 years ago.


- These exercises give you better posture and help prevent upper cross syndrome

¤ External rotation of arms, with elbow at the side.

¤ Standing rowing

¤ Lift

¤ Up-pull

¤ Weightlifting exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups and sit-ups)


- Big breasts are often used as an excuse

Sometimes it is obvious that there are other factors at the root of pain in muscles and joints - and then it may be that someone mistakenly shifts the focus to the fact that it must be their two big ones who are to blame - even though it may be lack of movement, static work and weak muscles which is really the fault that causes pain. Exercise is the best medicine - and if you are far down then you can get good help from a physical clinician who can help you improve the function of joints and muscles.

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Also read: What You Should Know About Hip Pain

hip Replacement

Also read: - Pressure wave treatment

Pressure wave treatment of plantar fascite - Photo Wiki

Did you know: - Cold treatment can give pain relief to sore joints and muscles? Blue. Biofreeze (you can order it here), which consists mainly of natural products, is a popular product. Contact us today via our Facebook page if you have questions or need recommendations.

Cold Treatment


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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freemedicalphotos, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.

«Can big breasts hurt in the back?" - References:

Myint Oo,1,2 Zhuo Wang,1 Toshihiko Sakakibara,1 and Yuichi Kasai*,1 Relationship Between Brassiere Cup Size and Shoulder-Neck Pain in Women. www:



Frequently Asked Questions:


- Can large breasts cause large muscle and skeletal problems?

Answer: Large breasts can cause musculoskeletal ailments, but it is perfectly possible to work this out with proper exercise and stretching. You can read more earlier in the article. The elliptical machine can be a good form of training for those who want to strengthen their upper back and core muscles in a functional way.

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