7 symptoms of myocardial infarction

7 Symptoms of a Pacific Heart Attack

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7 symptoms of myocardial infarction

7 Symptoms of a Pacific Heart Attack

Myocardial infarction does not always produce a bunch of loud clinical signs and symptoms - sometimes people suffer from what is called a silent heart attack. A really scary, potentially fatal diagnosis. Here are 7 symptoms of a quiet heart attack that you should be able to.


A quiet heart attack can affect anyone, but if you are older and have diabetes then you have a significantly higher risk of being affected. It may be that the seizure was completely asymptomatic - or that you felt a mild pain in the chest, such as with acid regurgitation or mild pain. In fact, it can be so mild that many do not even think much about it. Hence the name: Quiet heart attack.


The fact that it is a silent heart attack does not make it any less dangerous - and we therefore encourage you to go to your regular doctor regularly, at least every six months, for a health check. In this way, the doctor can pick up symptoms and signs that may indicate pathological disease. In this article, we will go through seven symptoms of a silent heart attack - potentially vital information, so we ask you to take the time to read the full article.


We fight for those with chronic diagnoses and diseases to have better opportunities for treatment and assessment - but not everyone agrees with us on that. So we kindly ask you to like us on our FB page og our YouTube channel in social media to join us in the fight for an improved everyday life for thousands of people.


"What? How can a heart attack be quiet? ”

sugar flu

One of the most common adverse effects of diabetes is a progressive nerve injury called neuropathy. As the nerve fibers become more and more damaged, you may experience increased incidence of numbness, tingling and weakness in hands and feet. This development will continue if you do not take your diet seriously.


If there is no control over the diet, for example by eating high sugar foods (eg ice cream, soda and chocolate), these neuropathies will develop further. As the condition gets progressively worse, nerve damage can affect the eyes, heart, bladder and blood vessels.


Damage to these areas means that you do not necessarily get nerve information when something is wrong in one or more of these areas. Including the heart. And a heart attack that usually causes severe chest pain, left-sided arm pain and obvious symptoms will then, by strong neuropathy, be able to bypass silent heart attack. Really scary and a vital reason to take your diet very seriously.


Also read: - 7 Early Signs of Diabetes Type 2

type 2 diabetes


1. Mild pressure in the chest and a feeling of heartburn

Pain in the chest

As mentioned earlier, one of the most classic signs of a heart attack is that you experience severe chest pain, as well as pain in the left arm. But if there is nerve damage to the nerves that will give you these signals then problems will arise.


Many people would expect a heart attack to cause such severe chest pain - but what if only mild pressure or discomfort occurs? Do you still want to recognize that this can be a lifelong heart attack? No, most likely not. Mild versions of chest pain are often due acid reflux and heartburn - not a heart attack. But in a silent heart attack, it can be difficult to distinguish between these without knowledge of associated symptoms (which we address further in the article).


We also remind you of the importance of exercise and exercise to maintain a healthy heart health. Maybe you have aches and pains that prevent you from moving as much as you want? Maybe you can try the physical treatment of muscles and joints, yoga, meditation or training in hot water pool? Many people report to us that it is the back that prevents them from enjoying movement - so here are some exercises that can possibly help with your back pain.


VIDEO: 5 Exercises against Lumbago (Click below to start the video)

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page at FB for daily, free health tips and exercise programs that can help you toward even better health.



2. Cold wetting and clammy hands

woman with crystal sickness and dizziness

Suffering from cold and clammy skin or clammy hands can be an indication of several different problems - including anxiety attacks, infections and heart problems. The condition is caused by an overactive sweating reaction that is triggered by your built-in "fight and flight" response; that is, your survival instinct.


Being affected by such cold sweats can be completely harmless - but in combination with several other symptoms, it can also mean serious illness or heart problems. If you experience night sweats, frequent cold sweats and clammy hands without prompting, we strongly recommend that you contact your GP for an examination.


Too many people are plagued with chronic illness that destroys everyday life - that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say: "Yes to more research on chronic disease". In this way, one can make the symptoms associated with this diagnosis more visible and ensure that more people are taken seriously - and thus get the help they need. We also hope that such increased attention can lead to greater funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods.


Also read: - 15 Early Signs of Rheumatism

joint overview - rheumatic arthritis

Are you affected by rheumatism?


3. A feeling of being slightly dizzy and "light-headed"

eye pain

Problems with the heart and blood pressure can provide a basis for mild dizziness and a feeling that the head is not "fully involved". This can be experienced as the brain not getting enough blood and the body feeling heavy. Sometimes you may also experience dizziness and blurred vision.


Experiencing transient lightness when traveling quickly is perfectly normal. An example is when you get up from a sitting to a standing position and experience dizziness that passes quickly - this is because the blood pressure drops due to the positional change; and that the brain temporarily reports that it does not have enough oxygen-rich blood.


However, persistent lightheadedness and light-headedness over time can also be an indication of an underlying problem with your heart and circulatory system.  If you experience persistent mild dizziness and a feeling of lethargy, this should be examined by your GP - who will then also examine blood pressure, heart sounds and a general heart examination.


Also read: - Therefore you should take Low Blood Pressure seriously

low blood pressure and blood pressure measurement with a doctor

Click on the image or link above to read more about why low blood pressure can be dangerous.


4. Fatigue and Fatigue

Chronic fatigue

Do you often experience energy loss and feel constantly drained of energy? It's called fatigue. Such exhaustion can be caused by a number of diseases and as side effects of several medications. But if you have a new, persistent fatigue, this can also indicate heart problems - in connection with the heart not being able to pump enough blood around the body or that there are clogged blood vessels around the heart.


As mentioned, it is not necessarily the heart that causes you to feel tired and exhausted, but it is worth remembering that may be a factor. Again, we want to remind you of the importance of taking your heart health seriously. One or two checks a year at the GP is a good start for those over 40, but if you have a known family history of serious heart problems then you should consider checking three to four times a year.


Did you know that ginger has been linked to counteract fatigue and bad cholesterol? In a study with 85 participants, which lasted over 45 days with 3 grams of ginger daily, a significant decrease in bad cholesterol was noted. (1) Another in vivo study showed that ginger was just as effective (without side effects) as the cholesterol drug atorvastatin (sold under the name Lipitor in Norway) when it comes to lowering unfavorable cholesterol levels. (2)


Also read: - 8 Incredible Health Benefits Of Eating Ginger



5. Shortness of breath - even without physical exertion

Cause of chest pain

Do you occasionally experience that it feels as if you are short of breath and do not "get enough" air? It is called shortness of breath and can be a sign of heart problems or lung disease.


Your heart and lungs are responsible for transporting oxygen around your body - while removing carbon dioxide. In the absence of oxygen to the organs and the brain, for example due to heart problems, this will result in the body sending out signals of more frequent breathing in an attempt to compensate for this. Shortness of breath can be a clinical sign of one heart attack.


Again, we want to remind you of the importance of exercise to prevent heart and lung problems. Hot water pool training is an excellent form of training for those seeking a more gentle way into the world of exercise.


You can read more about how this form of training can help you in the article below.

Also read: - How Helps Exercise In Hot Water Pool On Fibromyalgia

this is how training in a hot water pool helps with fibromyalgia 2



6. Abdominal pain and abdominal pain

stomach ache

A heart attack can be caused by a blood clot that gets stuck in one of the blood vessels of the heart. This plug blocks the blood circulation to the heart and provides the basis for a strong cramping, pressing pain in the center of the chest. But, in neuropathy, this may feel more like a vague and mild discomfort than pain.


When we experience chest pain in a heart attack it is not uncommon for the pain to spread to the left shoulder, arm and occasionally down to the stomach. Let us assume that the nerve fibers in the other areas are damaged and insensitive, then it will be the case that you experience, theoretically, only abdominal pain - a realistic possibility of a silent heart attack.


Also read: This You Should Know About Irritable Bowel

appendicitis pain



7. Swollen Ankles

Examination of ankle

Fluid retention is medically called edema. Such edema can be a direct indication of heart problems and that your heart is not pumping enough blood around the body, causing the fluid to physically leak out of the blood vessels into nearby soft tissues.


Due to gravitational forces, it is especially common for edema to be most visible in the ankles and legs.  We must remember that the structures further away from the heart, such as the hands and feet, also need normal function to get enough blood circulation in the areas.


Swollen ankles should therefore be taken seriously - and again, the solution is to have your symptoms investigated via your GP. The other factors we have mentioned in this article such as exercise, diet and more exercise in everyday life are key factors for you who want to contribute to improved heart health.


Also read: - 8 Natural Anti-Inflammatory Measures Against Rheumatism

8 anti-inflammatory measures against rheumatism

More information? Join this group!

Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news"(Press here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about rheumatic and chronic disease disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.


VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page on FB for daily health tips and exercise programs.


We really hope that this article can help you in the fight against chronic disease.


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NEXT PAGE: - Research: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

fibromyalgid diet2 700px

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Recommended self-help for this diagnosis

Compression Noise (for example, compression socks that contribute to increased blood circulation to sore muscles)

Trigger point Balls (self-help to work the muscles on a daily basis)


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